Sadrinka Of Kansas City

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Here goes the rant or ramble however you want to look at it....

Really have nothing to say about the team... it is just depressing and driving me to drink more. Which is good only for the fact I will not have to change my name... SaDRINKa.

Yes, I still support the team and will actually be going out to the "K" this weekend and buying a ticket when I get there... as opposed to actually having a ticket through my season tickets. I am a gluten for punishment at this point.

I have no comment on how they have been playing or how they have been managed or how the GM has been running the team or the owner for that matter. However, after this home stand I will be back with some more rambling and ranting if I make it through the next 10 days.

Monday, March 27, 2006

15 Day DL?

Can Weight Watchers get him into shape in 15 days? How about Jenny Craig?

OK... so my friends just got back from Disney and they mentioned they 'ate their way' through Epcot. I am guessing that "Elvis" (pictured here from Spring Training on 3/4) ate his way through October, November, December, January, and February!

I personally would be embarassed if next to my name where it used to say Starter for the KC Royals it now said '15 Day DL due to Lack of Stamina'.

Now I say that for 2 reasons:
  1. It means he is fat and can't pitch enough innings to be a starter.
  2. Do I even need to go there with the second reason... "Lack of Stamina"? Wow what man would want that near their name!

OK so now we are down two starting pitchers.. one for Lack of Stamina and one for Lack of Marbles!

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Has Zack Lost It?

Did he ever have it?

Or is he looking for it here?

So he left camp (Did I say Camp? That is a story for another day) but it isn't for a disciplinary matters, legal issues, or physical injury... Does losing your marbles constitute a physical injury?

Club officials also say they have no timetable for Greinke’s return, but Bell said, “We’re preparing as if Zack is not going to be here.” I ask, was he really ever 'here'?

There has been talk since last year he beats to his own drum so I guess we shall see what comes of it.

I have also heard an 'inside' rumor that poor Zack is thinking of quiting baseball and playing golf!

Personal opinion here is that he is a bit... ok he is way to young to be in the "Big's" and he has some soul searching to do and learn to deal with the pressures that come with being Major League pitcher. If that means leaving baseball and playing golf for a season then let it be. I would like to see him continue to pitch but only if KC is where he wants to be and it is what he wants to do. Otherwise... GET OUT! We don't want to suffer with you!

Sunday, February 26, 2006

New blogger... Here goes

So since a few of my friends are now 'blogging' I thought I might as well start one of my own to talk about my passion...

OK don't call me crazy, stupid, dumb or a groupie but I am obsessed with the baseball and more importantly.... The Kansas City Royals. I will travel to other countries (Canada - picture here) and of course other states just to catch a glimpse of 'my team'. So on this blog I will discuss many things but the main focus will be my obsession with the 'boys of summer'.

I am a season ticket holder (5th season) but have been going out to the 'K' since 1990 when my best friend and I started hanging out with the 'right field rowdies'. I have many memories that I will share at slow times but hope to make new ones throughout this blog and share them as they happen.

I am preparing for my 2nd trip to Surprise, Arizona with some of my peeps. We will be heading down to the sunny state on Friday and I can't wait. I will keep you all posted...